Friday, 10 September 2010


Ever had one of those in your group? The ones that type with the caps on? And it's rather obvious who they are, because: "lYK OMG!!111!!!!ONE!!!11! 3P1C L0075!!11! CAN I HAZ???!?!?! PLZ?!!?!?!?!?"

Just reading that makes me want to wash my eyes. With bleach.

What I don't understand is why they think it's a good idea to write like that. Do they think people will say: "Wow! That individual there certainly has a most excellent grasp of language and its structure! They shall have my respect for the rest of time!" Yeah....that's not going to happen.

I've been accused of "being old", but it seriously hurts my eyes and my head to try to decipher that nonsense. I get txt-tlk, I really do. It's faster to type "moov u nub" than to type "Why, it may be in your best interest to move from your current location, as you are standing in the boss' line of fire." I'm being ridiculous, I know, but to replace letters with numbers? Surely that takes more time still!

Maybe I am getting old, but I still want to whack those noobs with my DK's axe.

Later days.

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