Monday, 20 September 2010

If I ever have to PuG [insert dungeon here] I will [insert action here]!

We all have one, a dungeon that we hope the LFG system will never throw us into.

Naturally, it's the next one you get.

But what do you do? Do you stick it out? Getting hopelessly lost and possibly suffering abuse from your fellow group members? Do you leave and suffer the PuG-deserter debuff(the one that looks like a dead canary)?

Up until quite recently, mine was Wailing Caverns. And all my levelling alts would always get thrown it there. Usually I would stick with it. Sometimes I left. Then one day, the ultimate horror happened:

Guildie: Hey!
Me: Hey.
Guildie: You doing anything?
Me: Playing with the AH.
Guildie: Wanna run me through something?
Me: Sure!
Guildie: Sweet. Meet you at WC! /log
Me: o_O

I hate WC. This guidie KNEW that. But they wanted the Fang set for their Druid. So, I sucked it up and went.

And as we ran it, I was shocked my how much of it I knew. Although I shocked an RL friend that was with us on Vent (he was sitting next to me IRL). Apparently, he never realised how much I swore while tanking/healing/boosting. Or how much stress the boostee causes me. I found his reaction amusing.

Over Vent, I was confident about the way through. "This way." "We're going left here." "...your other left." etc.

IRL...."Oh, crap." "@#$%, where'd he go?" "Damn...I'm lost." "This wasn't here last time...." "Gah, where am I?" "I hate this place." "I'm never running anyone ever again!" etc.

He informed the guild over Vent, that he was leaving the computer for a while. When asked why he said: "Because Am's mutterings are freaking the hell out of me." Now everyone wants to hear them. I don't want them to. I think I must be the only person that mutters/talks-to-self while playing the game. I don't even realise I'mdoing it until someone points it out.

But, back to the story, I eventually got all the bosses down, so we headed back to the start to talk to the druid there. All the while I'm thinking 'pleaseletitworkpleaseletitworkpleaseletitwork'. And it did. So I'm crowing over Vent, as we follow the insanely slow-walking druid. (I swear that it took longer for him to get to the Sleeper than it did for us to run the instance =/)

Eventually we got there. Killed the swarms. Killed the murloc with glee. (I HATE them with a passion. That passion is hate.) Watched the two druids turn into birds and fly out. Complain about how the druids could use Flying form in Azeroth. ("I CALL HAX!" was said often.) Eventually we stopped sulking that they had flying forms in Vanilla (well, mostly. I'm still sour.) and left for Xroads.

All in all, it was a fun day. I found in-game-hax, as well as finally not being afraid of LFD'ing Wailing Caverns.

Now, to conquer Gnomeragan, Blackrock Depths, and Sunken Temple. Especially BRD. Although finding the dwarf-guy with the coffer-key is kinda fun....

Although I STILL hate regular Oculus. Heroic is alright, because everyone knows the fight and it's over quick. But're lucky if the tank can keep aggro, and everyone can get it through their heads to STAY ON THE DAMN DRAGON FOR THE LAST BOSS! I want to reach through the internet and slam their heads against their screens.

Oh, well. I guess we can't have them all.....

Best of luck to all your PuGs.

Later Days.

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