Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Doing It With One Hand....

Calm down, I'm talking about raiding with one hand. Meaning trying to run a raid or PuG while eating, reading, or anything else that requires the full attention of one hand.

I'm guilty of this. A lot. So are most people I knnow.

But, unlike most, I can still move, attack/cast/heal AND eat, while not causing a wipe.

I'm not trying to brag here, I just thought it would be interesting to post about it after a funny Vent convo I had the other day.
(unless specified, everything is being spoken over Vent)
RL: Ready? GO!
*fight goes here*
RL: Shik, you keeping up?
RL: Shik?
Shik(me): (typed) Yeah, I'm good.
RL: Dude, why aren't you talking?
Me: (typed) Coz I'm eating, noob.
*fight's over*
RL: ......Dude, you were healing while EATING?! WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?!?!
Me: (talked this time) I kept up didn't I?
RL: Well...yeah...
Druid-buddy: Wotcha eating?
Me: Pie.
Druid: I like pie.... What flavour?
Me: Umm...beef? Is that a flavour, or a filling? Hmm....either way.
Druid: ....'Kay.....
RL: Lemme get this straight....you healed...while eating?
Me: Yup.
RL: You did it...with one hand?
Someone else: That's what she said....
RL: Not cool dude.
Me: Well, yeah. I have VuhDo, you know.
RL: .....But how'd you move? Use your action bars?
Me: .....Use the mouse?
RL: But...that'd.....you'd be swinging it everywhere, wouldn't you?
Me: Nah, I got a mouse with extra buttons. Got my action bars wired up to them.
RL: ...How many buttons does this mouse have?
Me: Umm.....*counts*....17.
RL: .....wtf? Why do you need that many?
Me: Duh. So I can eat pie during raids.

Incidentally, my mouse is a Razer Naga. I combine it with the addon made specially for WoW and the mouse. It is awesome. I'll post a pic or two of it here once I work out how.
Anyway, it's awesome.
I'd only recommend it if you either have small hands (women or kids) or are okay with using small mice (like me). It's even smaller than some 'standard' mice I've seen, and the smallest gaming mouse I've ever laid eyes on, excluding laptop/portable ones.

It did take a week or so to get used to, but now I can honestly say that I couldn't go back. I almost had a panic attack when I had to heal while using a friend's computer using his non-Naga mouse. Let's just say we wiped a few times until I worked it out. So, no moving, no attacking, only healing. And even then, only sparingly.

I would fail without my mouse.

Well, I'll stop pimping my mouse now. But seriously, check out their website, or at least Google them.

Later days.

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