Monday, 13 September 2010

Winter Grasp Is Out Of Reach?

For the umpteenth time, the Alliance has successfully defended against us Hordies. Never mind that we own at AB, AV, WG, EotS, SotA, AND IoC. Why do we suck at WG, when we used to win each one?


The Allis KNOW they suck, so what do they do? Get an ex-Hordie-now-Alli and make him their general. They're organised now, because they made the effort to not suck.

What do we do? Argue for 10 minutes over who will lead the raid group(ignoring the person with the red font), resort to insulting each others' mothers and manhood (or lack thereof), and everyone goes off in a different direction.
And because of this, we always lose. So, because everyone assumes it's a lost cause, nobody shows. So we lose.

It's a Catch 22, people. We always lose, so people don't come. But because people don't come, we always lose.

Sometimes I want to grab these Trade Chat idiots and shake them until they're cross-eyed, drooling idiots. Well, more of a cross-eyed drooling idiot. I have a low opinion of those people. I want to get them drunk, so drunk they pass out. I want to keep this drinking going for a week. Then? Then I will let them sleep. Then I will wake them up, and SCREAM in their ears. I will watch them cry from their hangover.

And I will enjoy it.

Also, I would have taped the whole thing, so that when they continue in their ways, I could put it on YouTube. I will then link it in Trade Chat.

Why? Because I'm a DK. We're made to be evil.

Only a handful of us show anymore. Minutes ago, we lost WG (big shock there =/) with only 20 people in the raid group. A few of us non-Tradies even try to follow the plans. Not that it works.

Wondering what's up with the title? I thought "Winter Grasp Is Out Of Our Grasp?" was too stupid a pun to make. Even for me.

So, we'll have to cope with no VoA or Stonekeepers Shards until the Horde develops some maturity.

Later days.

1 comment:

  1. Incidentally, we finally got WG back yesterday. Don't know how long we'll keep it for, but for now, it's all ours >=D

    Later days.
